Thursday, October 31, 2019

Were any gains won by women in the First World War both limited and Essay

Were any gains won by women in the First World War both limited and temporary - Essay Example Women knew many things like being a baker and running dairies, they were also blacksmiths, silversmiths, tailors, painters, and can perform other jobs done by men. Even though they worked side by side with their husbands, they were not paid for their work. Things were the same elsewhere, as in UK. As related in the Hub pages, before the outbreak of World War I, the role of women was similar. Their roles consisted mainly of domestic jobs, nursing, teaching, and farming. Although a few of them worked in factories, they were paid less than men. Thus, we will see here that women were not treated favorably by society and it was an accepted standard at that time. The impact of the war on women’s lives When World War I broke out, things slowly changed for women. During World War I, war industries caused the heavy employment of women. (Bryant Joyce, March 2, 2009) Three million women workers and more got employed in food, textile and war industries. Women’s role changed rapidly because of the war. In UK, many women enlisted in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps. Women were employed in communication lines, cooking, catering, and clerical jobs. They also became truck drivers and ambulance drivers because men were engaged in battles (Hub pages). Their most important contribution, Bryant Joyce, mentioned is the takeover of the farms and growing of much needed food. In Britain, 113,000 women joined the Women’s Land Army which was set up in 1917, to provide a workforce to run the farms (Hub pages). Women were at work everywhere. They learned almost all the kinds of jobs that were previously held by men. The war provided the opportunity for women to grow and learn the job skills they were not allowed to do before. In Russia, women joined the Legion of Death. These women pledged to take their own lives rather than become German war prisoners. They agreed that death was better than to remain captives. Working as nurses, hundreds of women risked their lives to help in the treatment of wounded soldiers ( hubpages). The spirit of volunteerism was very much felt during the times of war. At the beginning of the war, the government gave very little recognition to the efforts of these women. Undaunted, these women utilized their skills such as running charities, cooking, knitting, gardening and sewing. At great length, their contributions became essential, so the government began to direct and legalized their hard works (Vries, Jacqueline). During the war, the focus of attention of different women’s organizations was volunteering their services to the country rather than entrants to wage work. Historians, however, debates that their work was simply an extension of their traditional housework, while, others say that the leadership and ingenuity of women had contributed to the newly recognized status at the end of the war. Vries believed that leaders of women’s organization took these as a chance to connect their war services to women’s emancipation. At the outbreak of war, Milicent Garrett Fawcett, President of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, urged suffragists to find positions of service in order to prove themselves â€Å"worthy of citizenship† (Vries,Jacqueline). It is therefore unsettled whether volunteerism or philanthropic works transformed the lives of these women after the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Patton- Fuller Financial Statement Review Essay Example for Free

Patton- Fuller Financial Statement Review Essay The success of any organization is heavily based on its ability to appropriately handle every aspect of its financials. Those aspects include a range of financial activities that include the inflow of cash and the outflow of cash which can be affected by a number of events including the raising of revenue through products or services, investments, purchases, debts and sales to name a few. With the number events that can take place within a particular reporting period, it is important that those transactions be monitored and tracked so that year end reports can reflect the most accurate overview of a the organization’s performance. These events and transactions are recorded and tracked through a number of financial reporting referred to as financial statements. For Patton- Fuller Community Hospital, information regarding its financial activities is included within their Annual Report. This report is compiled from financial statements that include their Balance sheet as December 31 for 2009 and 2008(audited) and the Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008 (audited). In addition to the audited balance sheet and the audited statement of revenue and expense, other financial reports were utilized by Patton- Fuller which includes Balance Sheet as December 31 for 2009 unaudited, the Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008 (unaudited), the Statement of Retained Earnings and Stockholders’ Equity and the Interim Statement of Income (unaudited) though these reports were not included within the annual report. In comparing the audited and unaudited reports there were differences were observed between the two. For the balance sheets, the unaudited balance sheet reflects $128,867 under total assets whereas the audited sheet reflects $127,867. This difference of $1000.00 is the result of the change in current assets reported under the patient  account receivable whereas the net allowance for bad debts was increased. As a result of this change, the total current assets reported for 2009 changed in addition to the total amount of assets reported. Other differences were observed in the area of total liabilities and equity where the audited balance sheet reflects a decrease of $1000.00 which is a change from the unaudited reporting of $588,767 to $587, 767. In reviewing what the effect was of revenue sources on financial reporting, the facility may have performed determinations based on a contribution margin. Utilizing this would show how the organization has increased or decrease in sales, profits, and assets. Further review of the financial reports indicates that on the Patton Fuller Financial Statement there was a huge negative decrease in the Investment Income. This caused a -123.48% drop. Other sources of revenue showed a positive increase from 2008 to 2009. Further review of the full report reflects that findings that indicate that the sources of revenue and the expenses in 2008 were much lower than 2009. The unaudited expenses show that there was $41,391 difference between the two years. The expenses that increased within the two years were the salaries and benefits of employees, supplies needed, and utilities. Within this time frame from the point where there was a negative impact, the organization was able to increase revenue and turn around what had been a negative into a positive. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has grouped revenues into one category and expenses into another. All the revenue is what they are making from providing services and the expenses are what they have to pay out to keep the hospital staffed, supplies, and running. Patton-Fuller groups there revenue by care settings and there are only two. Eighty percent of the revenue is from inpatient care and the other twenty percent is from emergency care or outpatient services. This type of grouping allows Patton-Fuller to see exactly what they are making for certain services they provide. All the financial reports generated by Patton- Fuller Community Hospital provide an overview of the company’s activities that will be useful in future planning, controlling, organizing and decision making. In addition, they provide information to internal and external auditors that demonstrate the organization’s ability to properly track funds that are received and dispensed. For other external users such as investors and creditors, these same reports provide financial data that demonstrates how well a company is performing and has performed in  the past. These reports are also important to employees, as the financial health of the organization is used to make determinations regarding raises, expansion and compensation. Overall review of the statements, including the annual report, shows the company’s ability to be transparent to both internal and external users. In doing so their reports serve as valuable tools that allow for improvement and continued growth to occur based on the organization’s mission and goals. References University of Phoenix. (2015). Week Three Learning Team Assignment: Virtual Organizations. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS/405- Health Care Financial Accounting course website. Baker, J. Baker, R.W. (2014). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers, Fourth Edition. Jones Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS/405- Health Care Financial Accounting course website.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Juvenile System Vs Adult Justice System Criminology Essay

Juvenile System Vs Adult Justice System Criminology Essay A criminal justice system is a mechanism, utilized by a society to enforce a given standard of conduct in order to protect the members of the community (Colquitt 2002). It consists of apprehending, prosecuting, convicting and sentencing violators of the basic rule of group existence within a society. The purposes of such a system are to remove dangerous members of the community, discourage the rest from criminal behavior, and give society the chance to change violators into law-abiding citizens. The core philosophy of the American criminal justice system is that the government may punish a person who has violated a specific law. A juvenile court, on the other hand, is viewed as a helping social agency. Its purpose is to prescribe carefully individualized treatment to young people who are in trouble with society but in a non-adversarial way (Colquitt). Violators older than 18 years old are tried in regular courts according to the adult justice system. The juvenile court is a fairly new device. A violator or offender who was 7 or older up to the 18th century would have been tried and treated as an adult by the courts (Stolba 2001). The belief at the time was that a person under 7 did not have full moral capacity and capacity to give consent. But beyond 7, he could be considered an adult. Even with the introduction of the juvenile justice system in the late 1800s, adult courts were still used in sentencing the most violent and most defiant violators. The original juvenile court in Chicago moved 37 boys to the adult criminal court in its very first year of operation (Stolba). The juvenile justice system was instituted to reform US policies on young offenders When the juvenile pleads not guilty, the trial becomes a jurisdictional hearing for juveniles (Calderon 2006). It has to be held up to 15 days or 30 days if the child is not in the custody of the court. In the case of adults and despite their right to speedy trial, the proceedings can take very long for a number of factors. These include change of venue, new motion for new evidence and many others. Juvenile courts do not have jurors as in adult courts. Juveniles are not subjected to jury trials but to adjucatory hearing where the judge renders a final decision. Adult proceedings are open to the public but juvenile proceedings are not. The court findings or results are called a disposition in both justice systems. These are a dismissal, a fine, a probation, treatment programs or institutionalization. The juvenile justice aims at rehabilitation and treatment. Thus, the least punitive or restrictive is exacted by many courts on young offenders. Another important difference is the right of adults to a jury trial. A juvenile can have a jury trial if his case is transferred or appealed to a circuit court (Calderon). In deciding a juvenile case, the probation or parole officer, alternative program directors, the attorneys and the judge come up with the best solution to the problem (Calderon 2006). If an adult case can qualify for a plea bargaining, a juvenile case may also achieve a desired result. An interview with the young or adult offender considers family factors, social involvement, church, education level, job skills, history of criminality, IQ level, psychological factors and other aspects needed to reach a decision. Comparatively with adult cases, some issues can lead to a disposition. It determines if the young offender should be detained in alternative programs, dismissed, proceed to the juvenile court, or transfer him to adult courts through waivering. The disposition in an adult case determines whether the offender is guilty or innocent of the crime charge. In a juvenile case, the respondent is always found delinquent beyond reasonable doubt. In rare cases when the judges find a youn g offender too violent or chronic and resistant to treatment, the juvenile court waives its jurisdiction and transfers the offender to the adult criminal court. Some courts automatically exclude young offenders charged with heinous offenses, such as murder, from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court (Calderon). Many adult cases go through plea bargaining (Calderon 2006). These are more lenient sentencing, admission or positive evidence of guilt and reduced costs in the proceedings. In many juvenile cases, the respondent pleads guilty. In recent years, policymakers went tough on repeat juvenile offenders and introduced some changes on the sentencing structure. Many of them felt that more young people were committing more violent crimes and that the juvenile justice system was ineffective in its role. More young offenders then were waived or transferred to adult courts where they were subjected to blended sentencing. This means getting adjudicated as a delinquent and getting sentenced as an adult for the same offense. Laws began losing favor for lenient and indeterminate sentencing and punishment and leaning towards determinate disposition. Legislators and policymakers did not find early release effective in rehabilitating young offenders. It was a similar view held for adult criminals. This getting-tough philosophy manifested itself quite severely in applying the death penalty on children as young as 16. There has been a growing sentiment that young criminals threaten the security of society in many ways. Citizens find children committing adult crimes loathsome but neither are the penalties imposed acceptable. This dilemma has led some to propose on the abolition of juvenile criminal courts so that more appropriate punishments for juvenile offenders who commit serious crimes could be devised (Calderon). Reforms in recent times have endowed young offenders with more rights (Calderon 2006). These included appointed attorneys and protection from Constitutional rights. They now also enjoy the rights to due process and to unreasonable searches and seizures more than in the past. State laws vary on the process of interrogation. But the courts have ruled on the overall totality of the circumstances as the determinant of the age for making legal decisions. In some States, parental presence is not a requirement. Complications are also present in both justice systems. The other role-players in the juvenile system are the defense attorney, the prosecutor, the social service worker, the probation officer, the family and the judge himself. The roles they play are similar to those they play in adult cases. The prosecutor and law enforcement officers determine the charges. The judge has the authority to decide what motions to suppress, accepting or rejecting a plea bargain, waiving the juvenile courts jurisdiction to an adult court and acting as the jury on the case. He is the leader who interacts with the other court officers. These players all make signific ant contributions to the proceedings, during follow-ups and the aftercare period. And alternative sentencing is available in both justice systems (Calderon). The actual court proceedings in a juvenile court consist of the arrest procedure, search and seizure, and custodial interrogation (Calderon 2006). The concept has been that the delinquent is a child rather than a criminal. Hence, rehabilitation rather than punishment is the court and the systems goal. But the major aspects of the juvenile justice system continue to hound its supporters. One is the cause of serious juvenile crime. Another is that young offenders need to be rehabilitated under a surrogate entity of the parens patriae concept. Another is a recent redefinition of young violent offenders as adults and their transfer to adult courts and the criminal or adult justice system. There has been increasing belief that they pose a serious and genuine threat to the safety of other young people and the community as a whole. An increase in serious juvenile crimes warrants more severe punishment. But moving them to the same place with adult offenders is a critical step, as there has a s yet no understanding or agreement on what age sufficient understanding develops. Trying a juvenile offender as an adult offender is a serious decision, which will also seriously affect society and the young offenders future. The vested interests of the other players in the court decision likewise merit consideration. The two justice systems use different legal standards. Children naturally lack the cognitive ability to participate in the adjudicative process. And the choice of whether the young offender should be tried in an adult or juvenile court necessarily determines the outcome of the adjudication. A finding of guilt in an adult court almost always means some punishment. A finding of delinquency in a juvenile court results in rehabilitation and punishment in combination. Rather than eliminating it or reintegrating it into the adult criminal justice system, the juvenile justice system needs an overhaul, more funding, and better initiatives for programs, which will truly incorp orate the parents patria concept into the young offenders rehabilitation (Calderon). Other opinions argue that offenders 12 years old and under should not be moved to adult courts on the basis of their limited adjudicative competence (Steinberg 2001). This does not mean they should not be punished but rather held within a system viewing them as children and not yet as fully mature adults. But the large majority of offenders 16 years old and older are not to different from adults and can sufficiently participate in adjudication within the adult criminal justice system. Offenders between 12 and 16 require individualized assessment of their competence to stand trial. The judges, prosecutors and defense attorney should be allowed to evaluate and judge the offenders maturity and eligibility for transfer to an adult court (Steinberg). There are also issues of race and ideology to contend with as among the impediments and issues confronting the current juvenile justice system (Hopson and Obidah 2002). Young people of color experience unequal and inequitable treatment within the system. The larger situation suggests that the decisions are tougher on them. The problems they confront go way beyond what has plagued the juvenile court for more than a hundred years. Youth criminality, deviance and discipline for young people of color have compounded the situation. There have been disproportionate numbers of African Americans and Native Americans arrested and handled by juvenile courts. A racial double standard is revealed. These young offenders of color find themselves at a clear disadvantage in their struggle to obtain equal protection under the law and the right to a good attorney. Reforms made to rehabilitate the system have created contradictory effects on juveniles of color. The young Black offender sees race as a s ignificant factor in his or her treatment through the juvenile justice process. African American youth have been over-represented in official reports of youth crime. These reports said that African Americans accounted for only 15% of the American population. Yet they were responsible for approximately 50% of arrests for violent crime. The Sentencing Project Briefing Fact Sheets also said that 75% of juvenile defendants arrested and charged with drug offenses were Black and 95% of juveniles waived to adult prison for drug violations were minorities (Hopson and Obidah). The American Bar Association said that approximately 200,000 youths are tried in adult courts every year (Juvenile Justice Digest 2001). The figure had doubled between 1985 and 1997 and was expected to increase as more laws were created for juveniles to be tried as adults. The Association published guidelines for juvenile cases referred to adult courts for use by policymakers and law practitioners. The guidelines were derived from the seven general principles, which included the developmental differences between young and adult offenders and in all the aspects of the criminal justice system (Juvenile Justice Digest). Within the realm of a justice system is the basic social belief that society is responsible for rearing and raising children into peace-loving and useful adults (Steinberg 2001). Their family, friends, peers, the community, social workers, the justice system and everyone else in society each have a role to play in bringing them up to fit the image (Steinberg). Yet contemporary society, with a newly and recently evolved victim culture, has eagerly embraced therapy and a strong belief in the powers of social engineering (Stolba 2001). It finds the idea of certain individuals, especially children, as deliberately refusing to change as something simply distasteful. Many juvenile offenders are products of very unsettled times and turbulent environments. But it is the States responsibility to save and reform them (Stolba). In that direction, it must first figure out how to categorize these offenders before it can appropriately deal with them in realizing its mission within the current syst em of justice.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wuthering Heights :: Essays Papers

Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights is the only book Emily Bronte ever wrote. It is a very powerful story about love and hate and sorrow and death. It spans thirty years and is all narrated by, first Mr. Lockwood, and more importantly, Ellen Dean, the faithful housekeeper. At the beginning of the book, Mr. Lockwood had just arrived at Thrushcross Grange as a tenant. He went to see Mr. Heathcliff, the man he was renting the house from. When he arrives at Wuthering Heights, he meets a young lady the he assumes to be Heathcliff’s wife. However, Heathcliff tells him that she is not his wife, but his daughter-in-law. When he then meets a young man, he naturally assumes it to be Heathcliff’s son, but again Heathcliff tells him that he is wrong. Heathcliff makes it very clear that Mr. Lockwood is not welcome. However, Mr. Lockwood vows to visit Wuthering Heights a second time. The next day he does visit Wuthering Heights again and is snowed in over there. He spent the night in a room with three diaries in it - one labeled Catherine Earnshaw, one, Catherine Heathcliff and the last, Catherine Linton. That night he dreams he hears Catherine’s spirit at the window, and after hearing that, Heathcliff throws open the window and implores her to come in. Mr. Lockwood leaves early the next morning and catches cold. He is bedridden for the next few weeks and asks Ellen Dean to tell him what she knows about the people residing at Wuthering Heights. She agrees. The story really began with Mr. Earnshaw and his son, Hindley and daughter, Catherine. Mr. Earnshaw left town on business and brought back with him an orphan they named Heathcliff. Heathcliff soon turned out to be Mr. Earnshaw’s favorite and he and Catherine became great friends. Hindley despised him for that. When Mr. Earnshaw died, Hindley returned from school married and took over as the master and treated Heathcliff awfully. His quick mind was dulled and he and Catherine became very rebellious. One day, they were over at Thrushcross Grange and saw Edgar and Isabella Linton. They saw Heathcliff and Catherine and thought they are burglars. Edgar sicced his dog on them and Catherine was injured. She stayed at the Grange for a few weeks and returned to Wuthering Heights a sophisticated lady with a furious temper and attitude. Hindley’s wife, Frances gave birth to a child named Hareton and then died shortly after.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discuss the Ways in Which in Chapter 1 of ‘Enduring Love’ Essay

â€Å"The beginning is simple to mark†. This is the opening sentence of Ian McEwan’s novel â€Å"Enduring Love†, and in this first sentence, the reader is unwittingly drawn into the novel. An introduction like this poses the question, the beginning of what? Gaining the readers curiosity and forcing them to read on. The very word â€Å"beginning† allows us an insight into the importance of this event, for the narrator must have analysed it many a time in order to find the moment in which it all began, and so it is obviously significant period of his life. And surely if the beginning is â€Å"simple†, what is to come must be complex. This and the writers delaying tactics, attention to precise detail and a red herring hook the reader and draw them well and truly into the novel. The reader joins â€Å"Joe†, the narrator, as he and his lover â€Å"Clarissa† are enjoying a romantic picnic in the countryside. Bathed in sunlight under a turkey oak, â€Å"partly protected from a strong gusty wind†, the relationship between the two is yet to be divulged, but McEwan’s use of the phrase â€Å"partly protected†, seems to imply that these two people have been protected from such horrors until this moment. Before the cry is heard and the race into the tale begins, a strong picture is painted; the reader can almost taste the air, and feel the â€Å"cool neck† of the 1987 Daumas Gassac as they themselves clutch the corkscrew. This attention to detail is a technique McEwan uses frequently throughout this chapter, to enforce just how important this day was to Joe, how the memory of this day has been replayed over and over in his mind until he is able to reel off the minutiae almost mechanically. The reader is therefore drawn into the story with the morbid curiosity of what is to happen, what the â€Å"pinprick on the time map† of Joe’s’s life is, and how it affects it. When the shout is heard, and Joe’s’ life begins its descent â€Å"away from [our] happiness among the fresh spring grasses by the oak†, the reader is still unaware of what this â€Å"danger† is exactly. However we do know that this is the event that shapes the rest of the novel and is the fundamental moment of the narrative. Whilst Joe runs towards the danger, he hears the shout again, followed by a child’s’ cry, â€Å"enfeebled by the wind†. Now that a child has been involved in this danger, it becomes all the more grave, for nothing provokes more feeling then the possibility of a child perishing. This in itself goads the reader to read on, willing the child to be saved, yet prepared for it to die. Yet we are still unaware as to what this danger is exactly. As our  hero races towards it, we are treated to a rather mathematical description of what is happening around him through the viewpoint of a buzzard, again giving the impression that this is something Joe has been recollecting and scrutinizing since it took place, looking at it from all angles, therefore giving it even more importance. The only clue we are given is the narrator revealing that the event about to take place is a fall, but who’s? While Joe rushes to the scene, so too do others; John Logan, family doctor, wife and two children; Joseph Lacey, captain of his local bowls team, living alone with his wife; Toby Greene, farm labourer with a reliant mother; James Gadd, wife and mentally handicapped child; Jed Perry, twenty eight and living on an inheritance. Harry Gadd, ten years of age. Thanks to these short but informative introductions we now have empathy with all of McEwan’s characters. Someone is to die, but who would we rather it be? Greene? Unspeakable, for that would leave his mother (no doubt a meek and feeble old woman) alone in the world. Logan? What of his widow, children and patients? It is to be one of these characters, and we are reminded this by the mention of the coroners inquest, but who? The automatic assumption is that it is to be the child, and this red herring is another of McEwan’s tactics of hooking the reader into the novel and making it impossible to put down. An important aspect of this first chapter is the way in which the narrator delays in giving us this information. He himself admits to it, to â€Å"holding back†, yet he uses language such as â€Å"fatal†, â€Å"aftermath† and â€Å"catastrophe† to hint to an imminent death of someone. This technique is echoed in the way McEwan lingers on the period of time before the disaster, recounting the day from the very beginning. This causes a build-up of tension, it is almost like when watching a soap opera; the events to come are revealed at the start, and then the story commences from before they take place. This method causes the readers to feel impatient, almost wanting to skip ahead to see what happens, but too engrossed in the story, anxious for, yet dreading the moment in which the shout is heard. Phrases such as â€Å"other outcomes were still possible† again add to the feeling of impending doom; other outcomes were possible, but they did not take place, this collision of men all intent on helping the distressed was futile. It is in these ways that McEwan succeeds in creating suspense that â€Å"demands a kind of physical courage from the reader to continue reading†, by using detail, delay and decoy. The first chapter is no doubt one of the most effective openings of any narrative, making it not only â€Å"unforgettable†, but achieving exactly what McEwan intended it to; the undivided and unconditional attention of the reader.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

BUSH Surname Origin and Last Name Meaning

BUSH Surname Origin and Last Name Meaning Bush is an English surname meaning either: Dweller near a bush or a thicket of bushes, a  wood or a grove, from the Middle English bushe (probably  from either the Old English word busc or the  Old Norse  buskr), meaning bush.Dweller at the sign of a bush (usually a wine merchant). The Bush surname could also be an Americanized version of the German surname Busch. Alternate Surname Spellings:  BUSCH, BISH, BYSH, BYSSHE, BUSSCHE, BUSCHER, BOSCHE, BUSHE, BOSCH, BOUSHE, CUTBUSH Where in the World is the BUSH Surname Found? According to  WorldNames public profiler, the Bush surname is found most prevalently in the United States, with an especially strong presence in the states of Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Georgia and West Virginia. The name is also more popular in New Zealand and Australia, as well as England (especially the East Anglia region). Famous People With the BUSH Surname George H. W. Bush -  41st President of the United StatesGeorge Walker Bush - 43rd President of the United StatesJeb Bush - Governor of Florida from 1998–2007George Washington Bush -  black pioneer settler of the Pacific NorthwestReggie Bush - American football running back for the NFLSarah Bush Lincoln - Stepmother of Abraham LincolnKate Bush -  English singer-songwriter, dancer and record producer Genealogy Resources for the Surname BUSH Bush Surname DNA Project: Any individual with a Bush lineage (or some variant of this name, such as Busch) from anywhere in the world is encouraged to participate in this DNA study, incorporating Y-DNA testing with traditional genealogy research to sort out Bush lineages around the world. Bush Family Association of America: Open to all descendants of, and others actively interested in, the Bush line of  Prescott and Susannah Hines Bush of Edgefield, South Carolina and Webster County, Georgia. Bush Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Bush surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Bush surname query. FamilySearch - BUSH Genealogy: Explore over 2 million results, including digitized records, database entries, and online family trees for the Bush surname and its variations on the FREE FamilySearch website, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Rootsweb - BUSH Genealogy Mailing List: Join this free genealogy mailing list for discussion  and sharing of information regarding the Bush surname, or search/browse the mailing list archives. The Bush Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Bush surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.