Friday, February 14, 2020

Learning the Knowledge and Skills Required of the Profession Essay

Learning the Knowledge and Skills Required of the Profession - Essay Example I am an international student who was born and raised in Russia. I am currently 17 years old. As a young and optimistic individual, I am keen on pursuing a Management course from the Glendale Community College, pegged as one of the renowned educational institutions in the United States. I acknowledged that management is one of the traditional courses that offers vast opportunities for employment. Likewise, since I have been recognized by my parents, peers, and academic instructors, as manifesting leadership traits and skills, I deemed it appropriate to pursue an endeavour where leadership skills could be put to effective use. My professional goals include applying to a global organization right after earning a degree. I would like to be exposed to the organization’s operations that encompass a widely encompassing sphere. As such, as I reviewed the courses in Glendale’s management program, I acknowledge that in the near future, I would like to pursue higher education thr ough taking a master in business administration (MBA) degree. The management course would significantly assist in identifying areas of interest in applying management theories. At this point, I am particularly enthusiastic about delving into human resources management, which is considered a dynamic and multi-dimensional field of specialization – since it involved understanding and evaluating diverse traits, skills, competencies, and abilities of people from varied geographic and cultural orientations. Concurrently, I acknowledge that Glendale would be the perfect educational institution that would provide the theoretical framework, as well as harness the essential skills to become a practising manager in the near future.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Case study 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Case study 3 - Essay Example Medicaid incentive program is administered on a voluntary basis by both the state and territories (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). Eligible professionals have a chance of participating for a period of six years, until 2021, and it is not a must for participation years to be consecutive. Medicaid incentive program is suitable for UMUC Family Clinic for improvement of patient care as outlined in the meaningful use stage 1. The deadline for eligible professionals to start their participation is 2016; the clinic needs to concentrate on attaining the core and menu objectives and clinical quality measures (CQMs) requirements in order to receive incentives payments, of up to $63,750 under medical EHR incentive program for a period of six years (Hsiao & Hing, 2012). The program allows eligible professionals to receive incentive payments as a result of having successfully adopted, implemented or upgraded certified technology of EHR during the first year of participation as well as demonstrating meaningful use (Marcotte et al, 2012). In case the clinic will not be able to satisfy meaningful use, its profession practice will have to incur expenses of up to $21,250.00 in 2015. Medication process at the clinic will be entered using CPOE. The technology has proved successful in keeping record of medication details of over 30% patients. The clinic will rely on medicaid incentive to increase the number of medical entry of patients using CPOE. The clinic will rely on using certified HER technology to submit all permissible prescriptions recommended by eligible professions. The program will enable the clinic to improve on quality and safety as well as efficiency while attending to patients. Aggregate of numerator and denominator as well as exclusions will be provided to either CMS or the state by attestation electronically. The reported information reveals clinical quality measures being undertaken by the clinic. The report is necessary for the state