Tuesday, December 31, 2019

American Security and Police Modeled After The English

As we are now living in a century where everything is more organized, when a crime is committed, the first thing that comes to our minds is police officers. Due to the fact that we are surrounded by thousands of police departments, we no longer give them the right attention they deserve; rather we take them for granted. Well before it was nothing compare to now, it took many years for England to develop a security system, which later on America copied some of the fundamental techniques. England helped America guide the policing system to be more effective. Such as something so basic as the title Sheriffs come from the word shire reeves, which is from England (The History of Policing, 2014, p.3). English plays an extremely essential role in American policing. America adopted the English common law; the high importance placed on individual privileges, the court structure, and numerous methods of punishment, alongside with local authority of law enforcement agencies. This adaptingâ€⠄¢s contributed three stable qualities to American policing. The first one was tradition of restricted police power. Second one was tradition of law enforcement agencies. Lastly extremely distributed, and divided system of law enforcement. Due to that system we adopted the United States is distinctive in developing about 15,000 individual law enforcement agencies, focus merely to minimum organization and very tiny national power or procedures (Walker and Katz, 2002 p.24). America appropriated fromShow MoreRelatedFreedom vs Security - George Orwell, 19842554 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Freedom vs. Security: 1984, a Mirror of Today’s Governments and their Methods of Mass Control Tanks to technology and, mostly, its applications in the field of communication, governments and business corporations from all around the world have now more power than ever to track and influence what we buy, what we listen to, what we read, what we watch and, ultimately, what we believe. 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